The Art Of Storytelling

"Storytelling is the essential human activity. The harder the situation, the more essential it is."    -Tim O´Brien "The symbol; The New One Minute Manager's symbol is intended to remind each of us to take a minute out of our day to look into the faces of the people we lead and manage. And to realize that they…

Strategic Challenges.

"Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs; it's about deliberately choosing to be different."     -Michael Porter In todays organizations change is necessary if you want to succeed in a tough world. However, we don't like to change things and feel most comfortable when we are staying in the comfort zone. Leaders are aware of…

Leader’s Courage To Be Vulnerable

''We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face.....we must do that which we think we cannot"  -Eleanor Roosevelt "There are two main ways in which leaders wear masks. Some conceal their perceived inadequacies and flaws behind the polished facade we have come to…

Leaders Will To Simplify.

"Simplicity, simplicity"    -Henry David Thoreau Complexity makes us confused, but simplicity makes us released. We are all in the same boat and has a need to understand things without complications; a job, a paper, a loan, colleagues, a leader, communication and so on. The question is why we complicate things. Alan Siegel and Irene…

Transparency and Leaders Will to Create a Culture of Candor

"There is no diplomacy like candor".     -E.V.Lucas A culture of transparency and candor is a must for every organisation. From their vital book; "Transparency" ---Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman and Jim O'Toole addresses us with the vital question whether organizations have the courage to be open, honest and most of all, transparent. The writers make…