The Art Of Storytelling

"Storytelling is the essential human activity. The harder the situation, the more essential it is."    -Tim O´Brien "The symbol; The New One Minute Manager's symbol is intended to remind each of us to take a minute out of our day to look into the faces of the people we lead and manage. And to realize that they…

The Challenge About Trust.

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live"    -Johan Wolfgang Goethe "Can you trust a virtual avatar ? A Robot ?An unknown person on Facebook ? How trust works in a world of rapid technological advancement and virtual interaction --- a world where the science of trust can be manipulated…

Understanding Moral Intelligence and Values.

In our lives we have chosen our own moral compass. In our world we meet with people from different cultures and values. In organizations people with different needs and values has to work and relate to each other. Organizations will not survive the test of time without strong values. Leaders who actively apply moral values…